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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB/T 6728-2002 Cold formed steel hollow sections for general structure--Dimensions,shapes,weight and permissble deviations (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$70.00 USD
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This Standard specifies the range, classification, code, technical requirements, dimension, shape, weight, allowable deviation and labeling of cold formed steel hollow section for general structure
This Standard is applicable to cold formed steel which produced through cold or hot rolled steel plates and strips on continuous roller-type cold-bending mill by cold working deformation
The cold formed steel hollow section in this Standard mainly uses high-frequency resistance welding, can also use argon arc welding or other welding methods.
This Standard is not applicable to the cold formed steel which produced by drawing, stamping and fold bending, etc.

2 Classification and Code

The section steel is divided into round, square, rectangular and other special-shaped cold formed steel hollow section as per outer shape. That code is:
Round cold formed steel hollow section, abbr. Round pipe Code: Y
Square cold formed steel hollow section, abbr. Square pipe Code: F
Rectangular cold formed steel hollow section, abbr. Rectangular pipe Code: YI

3 Section Dimension and Allowable Deviation

3.1 The section of round cold formed steel hollow refers to Figure 1, and the section dimension, section area, theoretical weight and section feature shall conform to the regulations of Table 1.
3.2 The section of square cold formed steel hollow refers to Figure 1, and the section dimension, section area, theoretical weight and section feature shall conform to the regulations of Table 2.
3.3 The section of rectangular cold formed steel hollow refers to Figure 1, and the section dimension, section area, theoretical weight and section feature shall conform to the regulations of Table 3.
3.4 The section dimension and allowable deviation of special-shaped cold formed steel hollow section (Special-shaped pipe) referring to the square cold formed steel. The shape determined by agreement of supplier and buyer.
3.5 It can supply the cold formed steel beyond the Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 according to the buyer's request; the dimension allowable deviation shall be accordance with the adjacent small dimension deviation in Table.
3.6 The allowable deviation of wall thickness of cold formed steel shall be no more than ±10% of nominal wall thickness when the wall thickness less than 10mm. The allowable deviation is ± 8% of wall thickness when wall thickness more than 10mm, except the wall thickness of angle and welding zone
3.7 The deviation of bending angle of cold formed steel shall be no more than ±1.5°.
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