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Document Title  
SY/T 4109-2005 Nondestructive testing of oil and gas steel pipeline (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
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$240.00 USD
1 Scope

This standard specifies four non-destructive testing (NDT) methods (including radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing and penetration testing) and their quality grading.
Radiographic (X or γ) testing is applicable to the testing and mass grading of the circumferential butt joints of pipelines (made from low carbon steel, low alloy steel and other metal materials with 2mm~50mm wall thickness) for long-distance and collective transport of oil and gas or at the oil and gas stations.
Ultrasonic testing is applicable to the testing and mass grading of the circumferential butt joints of pipelines (made from carbon steel, low alloy steel and other metal materials with 2mm~50mm wall thickness and 57mm ~1400mm pipe diameter) for long-distance and collective transport of oil and gas or at the oil and gas stations; it is not applicable to the testing of the butt joints between elbow and straight pipe, hubbed flange and straight pipe as well as return elbow and straight pipe.
The magnetic particle testing is applicable to the testing and acceptance of the welding joint surface and near surface imperfection of ferro magnetic pipelines for long-distance and collective transport of oil and gas or at the oil and gas stations as well as of steel storage tanks under normal pressure.
The penetration testing is applicable to the testing and acceptance of the welding joint surface opening imperfection of pipelines for long-distance and collective transport of oil and gas or at the oil and gas stations as well as of steel storage tanks under normal pressure.
This standard is not applicable to either the NDT of industrial and public pipelines, or the NDT of the fabricating weld joints of oil and gas pipelines.

2 Normative References

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding amending errors) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 3323-1987 Methods for Radiographic Inspection and Classification of Radiographs for Fusion Welded Butt Joints in Steel
GB 11533 Standard Logarithmic Visual Acuity Charts
GB 11924 Regulations on Health and Safety Training
GB 16357 Radiological Protection Standards for Industrial X-ray Detection
GB/T 16673 Measurement of UV-A Radiation (Black Light) Used in Non-destructive Testing
GB 18465 Radiological Protection Requirements for Industrial Gamma Defect Detecting
GB 18871 Basic Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources
IB/T 6063 Specifications of Magnetic Particle for Magnetic Particle Detection
JB/T 6065 Standard Test Block for Magnetic Particle Flaw
JB/T 7902 Wire Type Image Quality Indicator
JB/T 7913 Fabrication and Control of Steel Reference Blocks used in Ultrasonic Inspection
JB/T 8290 Magnetic Particle Flaw Detectors
JB/T 9214 Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of A Scope Ultrasonic Pulse - Echo Testing Systems
JB/T 10061 Commonly Used Specification for A-mode Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Using Pulse Echo Technique
JB/T 10062 Testing Methods for Performance of Probes Used in Ultrasonic Flaw Detection
JB/T 10063 Specification for No.1 Standard Test Block Used in Ultrasonic Flaw Detection
ZBY 344 Testing Methods for Performance of Probes Used in Ultrasonic Flaw Detection
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