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Document Title  
GB 50231-2009 General Code for Construction and Acceptance of Mechanical Equipment Installation Engineering (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$230.00 USD
1 General Provisions

1.0.1 This code was formulated in order to improve the construction level of mechanical equipment installation engineering, promote technical progress, ensure the construction quality and safety and improve the economic benefit.

1.0.2 This code is applicable to the general parts in the construction and acceptance of various mechanical equipment installation engineerings.

1.0.3 The mechanical equipment installation engineering shall be started from the unpacking of equipments to the construction and acceptance of the equipments in zero load test run, and the mechanical equipments that shall have the test run with load, it shall be end until to the load test run.

1.0.4 The construction of mechanical equipment installation engineering shall be carried out according to the engineering design, the engineering design is prohibited to being revised arbitrarily, corresponding opinions and advices shall be offered timely if any mistakes are discovered in the design documents and drawings, besides, the construction shall be carried out according to the engineering design modified by the original design organization.

1.0.5 The installed mechanical equipments, spare parts and primary materials must be in accordance with those specified in the engineering design and the relevant product standards and shall also be with the conformity certificates.

1.0.6 The various measuring instruments, detectors, instruments, apparatus and equipments adopted in the mechanical equipment installation engineering must meet those specified in the current relevant national standards; their precision class shall meet the accuracy requirement of the test item.

1.0.7 In the construction of mechanical equipment installation engineering, the construction quality shall be inspected and recorded. As for the concealed engineering, it shall be inspected and recorded before the engineering is concealed, and the equipments shall be continued to be installed after the inspection is qualified. In the engineering acceptance, the acceptance check and necessary random inspection work are carried out based on the related records.

1.0.8 The construction and acceptance of mechanical equipment installation engineering shall not only comply with this code, but also shall comply with those specified in the in the current relevant national standards.
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