中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 16357-1996 Radiological Protection Standards for Industrial X-ray Detection (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$40.00 USD
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the radiological protection requirements of industrial X-ray

detection devices and workplaces and related workers.
This standard applicable to production and use of industrial X-ray detection devices

(hereinafter referred to as X-ray devices) at 500KV and below.
2 Cited Reference
GB 4792 Basic health standards for radiological protection
3 Terms
3.1 Detection at the special X-ray detection room (hereinafter referred to as detection

at the detection room)
The process of X-ray radiographic inspection of objects is in the special detection room.
3.2 X-ray detection at the site (hereinafter referred to as on-site detection)
The process of X-ray radiographic inspection on defects inside the objects by use of a

mobile or portable X-ray detection device outdoors is in the production workshop or

installation site.
3.3 Detection room
An irradiation room with certain function of shielding X-ray where X-ray devices and

objects subject to X-ray radiographic inspection is placed.
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