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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GJB 1187A-2001 Radiographic Inspection (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$360.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Cited References
3 Definitions
4 General requirements
5 Detailed requirements
5.1 Exposure curve
5.2 Transillumination chart
5.3 Selection of X-ray tube voltage and other radiation sources
5.4 Film and intensifying screen and their Combination
5.5 Selection of penetrated layout
5.6 Minimum distance fmin between the radiation source and the object
5.7 Maximum Effective Area of Single Exposure
5.8 Prevention of Scattered Rays
5.9 Layout and quantity of image quality indicator
5.10 Markings
5.11 Darkroom processing
5.12 Film quality
5.13 Inspection records and negative film
5.14 Evaluation and reporting of negative film
5.15 Disposal of work-piece after inspection
5.16 Process inspection
Annex A 30
Annex B 35
Annex C 36
Annex D 42
Annex E 43
Annex F 44
Annex G 46
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