中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB/T 3098.2-2000 Mechanical properties of fasteners—Nuts—Coarse thread (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$70.00 USD
Mechanical Properties of Fasteners-Nuts-Coarse Thread
1 Scope
The standard specifies the mechanial property (performance) of nuts with specified proof load in the test under the environmental temerature 10-35℃.
It shall be noted by users that“the products, which meet requirements of the standard under the environmental temperature, may have different mechanical/physical properties under hinger or lower teperature”.
Nuts that the standard is applicable to :
Nominal diameter of screw threads D<39mm;
General purpose screw threads complying with GB/T 192;
Coarse thread diameter and pitch combination complying with GB/T 193;
Basic size complying with GB/T 196;
Tolerance and coordination complying with GB/T 197;
Products with special mechancal requirements.
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