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Document Title  
GB 50253-2003 Code for design of oil transposportation pipeline engineering (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$550.00 USD
1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to comply with the current related guideline and policies in the design of oil transportation pipeline engineering, ensure the design quality, improve the design level, so as to make the engineering reach state-of-art technology, economic feasibility, operation safety and reliability, management and maintenance convenience.
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to the design of land-based construction, extension or reconstruction of crude oil, products and liquid LPG pipeline transportation engineering.
1.0.3 Design of oil transportation pipeline engineering shall reasonably select the design parameters based on the pipeline construction, operation experience and advanced scientific and technological achievements absorption from both abroad and home, so as to optimize the design.
1.0.4 Design of oil transportation pipeline engineering shall not only comply with this Code, but shall also comply with the provisions of current relevant compulsory standards of the nation.
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