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Document Title  
GB/T 5413.20-1997 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children-Determination of choline(Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$60.00 USD
1. Scope
This standard outlines the method of determination of choline in foods for infants and young children, raw milk, and dairy products.
The first method and second method in this standard are applicable to the determination of choline in foods for infants and young children, raw milk, and dairy products; the third method in this standard is applicable to determination of choline in foods for infants and young children and milk powder.
The detection limit for the first method in this standard is 20mg/kg; that for the second method is 50mg/kg; and that for the third method is 2mg/kg.
2. Referenced regulatory documents
Clauses in the following documents become those of this standard by reference in this standard. As regards referenced documents with indicated dates, none of the amendments (not including the content of corrigendum) made to them after these dates is applicable to this standard; however, parties to an agreement concluded according to this standard are encouraged to consider whether they will adopt the latest edition of these documents or not. Any latest edition of any referenced document without indicated date is applicable to this standard.
GB/T6682 Water Specification and Test Method for Analytical Laboratory
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