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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 10765-2010 National food safety standard Infant formula (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$60.00 USD
1 Scope
This Standard is applicable to infant formula.
2 Normative references
Documents referenced in this Standard are indispensable for application of this Standard. For dated references, only the dated edition is applicable to this Standard. For undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) is applicable to this Standard.
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 Infants
Babies at the age of 0 - 12 months.
3.2 Infant formula
3.2.1 Milk-based infant formula: refers to liquid or powdered products that are made mainly from milk and milk protein products, with addition of adequate amount of vitamins, mineral substances and/or other ingredients, and produced and processed by physical methods only, suitable for normal infants and their energy and nutrition ingredients can meet normal nutritional requirements of infants 0 - 6 months.
3.2.2 Soybean-based infant formula: refers to liquid or powdered products that are made mainly from soybean and soybean protein products, with addition of adequate amount of vitamins, mineral substances and/or other ingredients, and produced and processed by physical methods only, suitable for normal infants and its energy and nutrition ingredients can meet normal nutritional requirements of infants 0 - 6 months.
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