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Document Title  
DL/T 621-1997 Grounding for AC Electrical Installations (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$670.00 USD
1. Scope
2. Terms and Definitions
3. General provisions for grounding of A-category electrical installations
4. Scope of protective ground of A-category electrical installations
5. Ground resistance of A-category electrical installations
5.1 Ground resistance of the electrical installation in the power plant and transformer station
5.2 The ground resistance of the overhead network
5.3 The ground resistance of the electrical installation for power distribution
6. Grounding connection of the A-category electrical installations
6.1 General provisions of grounding connection
6.2 Grounding connection of the electrical installation in the power plant and transformer station
6.3 Grounding connection of poles and towers of overhead network
6.4 Electrical installation of power distribution installations
7 The grounding type of low-voltage system and the ground resistance of B-category electrical installations
7.1 System grounding type
7.2 Ground resistance and equipotential connection of the grounding connection,
8 Grounding connection and protective conductor of B-category electrical installations
8.1 General requirements
8.2 Grounding connection
8.3 Protective conductor
8.4 Grounding connection
8.5 Equipotential coupling cable
Annex A (Normative Annex)
Annex B (Normative Annex)
Annex C (Normative Annex))
Annex D (Normative Annex)
Annex E (Normative Annex)
Annex F (Informative Annex)
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