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Document Title  
DL/T 5056-2007 Technical code of general plan design for substation (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$160.00 USD
1. General Provisions
1.0.1 The design of the substation general plan shall comprehensively implement the national project construction guidelines and policies and observe design principles and technical specifications stated herein. The design shall adapt the national situation and meet targets of the state-of-the-art technology and safety production, to obtain notable overall economic benefits.
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to the design of newly-built and extended 110-500kV substations.
1.0.3 The design of the substation general plan shall save land, rationally utilize terrain according to local conditions and decrease the site grading quantities and the relocation of facilities like buildings and structures. The design proposal shall be optimized after the technical comparison and argumentation.
1.0.4 This Code has been established guided by the principles stated in Code for Design of General Plan of Industrial Enterprises (GB50187-93). The design of substation general plan shall be in accordance with this Code as well as provisions stated in current concerned national and industrials standards.
Substations constructed in special natural conditions, like the seismic areas, the collapsible loess region, the swelling soil region, soft ground, water congealed ground areas, shall meet provisions in the related national standards.
2. General Planning
2.0.1 The general planning of substations shall coordinate with the local general and urban planning and make the most of public facilities like living, culture and education, hygiene, transportation, fire control, water supply and drainage as well as flood prevention and discharge facilities.
2.0.2 The general planning of the substation shall be made according to the ultimate scale considering the natural conditions where it is located in light of the technical, construction and living requirements. In the staging construction, the lands shall be expropriated by stages as well.
According to the said principles, the general planning of the substation shall make a proper arrangement on the substation location, living quarters, water source area, water supply & drainage facilities, flood prevention and discharge facilities, substation-access roads and pass in-and-out corridor as well as the terminal tower. An overall arrangement shall be made.
2.0.3 The general planning of the urban substations shall match the urban general planning. While for substations in the mountainous area, the general planning shall consider influences from the terrain, mountain body stability and excavation slope.
2.0.4 The landscaping planning of the substation shall make the most of idle space on the road side, beside buildings and in other places. The extended (re-built) projects shall highlight the protection of the original landscaping.
2.0.5 In case that there are pollution sources near the substation, the general planning shall stay out detrimental effects according to the type of the pollution source and the wind direction.
2.0.6 Living quarters of substations can be built near the substation area or in any other place, as required by the construction unit.
2.0.7 Substations shall have reliable water source. The quality of the drinking water shall meet the national hygienic standard on the drinking water. Production and living wastewater of the substations shall meet national or local discharge standards.
2.0.8 The substation access roads, living quarters, water supply and drainage facilities, flood prevention and discharge facilities of the newly-built substations shall be included in the general planning. The planning shall be carried out strictly according to the general planning. The construction standard, layout and elevation connection of the said facilities shall be planned by the main design unit of the substation.
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