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Document Title  
DL/T 5147-2001 Designing technical rules for security and automaticity equipment of power system (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
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$76.00 USD
1 Scope
The standard prescribed the principle requirements of electric power system security and stability calculation and analyses, security and automaticity equipment collocation in the design process of electric power system. It is suitable for system security and automaticity equipment design, power plant, substation access system security automaticity equipment design and security automaticity equipment executive plan research.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
GB 14285-1993 Technical Regulations of Protection Relays and Security Automatic Equipments
DL/T 559-1994 Regulations on 220- 500 Kv. Grid protective relay device operation and setting
DL 428- 1991 Rules of Automatic Low-frequency Technology for Power System
DL 755 - 2001 Rules on Security and Stability of Power System
SD 131- 1984 Guide on Security and Stability for Power System (trial)
3 General Provisions
3.0.1 The power system security and automaticity equipment design should satisfy requirements of DL 755. The security and automaticity equipment of power system can be divided into automaticity equipment for automatic preventing stability disruption, automaticity equipment for automatic eliminating asynchronous operation, automaticity equipment for automatic eliminating frequency or voltage deviation that is likely to cause an accident development and facility damage and automaticity equipment for returning to normal system working condition according to function use. The power system security and stability control system are mainly used for preventing system accident when the power system lost stability and large area power off happened under power system accident.
3.0.2 The power system security and automaticity equipment collocation and control are suitable for adopting dispersive installation which is simple and reliable and effective. All classes of devices of different control objectives should be worked in coordination.
3.0.3 The hardware of power system stable control device should possess certain versatility. The software should achieve modularization and possess expandability so as to adapt the requirement of the system development.
3.0.4 The reasonable grid structure conforming to SD131 and DL755 requirements is the important material basis for guaranteeing power system security and stable operation. In general grid structure condition, the measures for improving stability is taken to guarantee the grid system security and stable operation under single failure condition. For potential multiple malfunction, so as to prevent the catastrophe of the malignant chain reaction, a reasonable grid structure should be existed in. The reliable and security stabilization automatic control measures should be cooperated with the grid structure.
3.0.5 So as to prevent system crash and avoid the long-time power off and the calamity power off for important users (including the service power of the power plant), let the loss minimize as far as possible, and the system succeeds in normal operation after severe accident happened. On the instruction strategy for treating power system security and stabilization problems, the worst preparation should be made and the prearranged measures should be taken as far as possible. So as to terminate the further deterioration of the system state, the measures of sacrificing part in exchange for whole should be taken so as to prevent from great destruction for system.
3.0.6 The correct operation and rapid removing malfunction of the protective relay device are the important guarantee for power system security and stable operation. The relay protection movement performance should be improved so as to improve stability of the power system.
3.0.7 In the selection of the collocation plan for power system security and automaticity equipment, the economic benefit of power system security and automaticity equipment setup and operation should be appraised. The power system stability limit improvement owing to power system security and automaticity equipment exact action should be paid more attention to. Then the power transmission capacity should be strengthened and the created economic benefit and social benefit of uninterrupted power supply for users should be guaranteed. The economic benefit and social benefit should be in comparison with the required investment cost of setting up power system security and automaticity equipment.
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