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Document Title  
SY/T 4119-2010 Technical code for construction of gathering and transmission pipeline in highly hydrogen sulfide gas field (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$150.00 USD
1 General
1.0.1 This code is formulated with a view to standardizing the construction procedures of natural gas gathering and transmission pipeline in highly sulfur gas field, specifying each construction technical requirement, improving the construction quality of natural gas gathering and transmission pipeline in highly sulfur gas field, ensuring the safety operation of pipeline, and reducing the engineering cost.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the construction of the constructed, extended and renovated natural gas gathering and transmission pipeline with the volume fraction of H2S in the natural gas greater than or equal to 5%.
1.0.3 Highly sulfur natural gas gathering and transmission pipeline includes the gas sampling pipe line, gas gathering branch line and gas gathering main line from the gas well mouth to the natural gas conditioning plant.
1.0.4 The part the same as the construction technical requirements for the natural gas gathering and transmission pipeline in non-highly sulfur gas field shall be implemented according to the relevant requirements of the current professional standard "Specification for Construction of Oil and Gas Field Gathering and Transmission Pipeline" SY/T 0422.
1.0.5 The construction of gathering and transmission pipeline in highly sulfur gas field shall not only comply with this code but also comply with those in the current relevant ones of the nation.
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