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Document Title  
GB/T 1236-2000 Industrial fans-Performance testing using standardized airways (Text of Document is in English)
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$500.00 USD
ISO Foreword
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 Symbols and units
4.1 Symbols
4.2 Subscripts
5 General
6 Instruments for pressure measurement
6.1 Barometers
6.2 Manometers
6.3 Damping of manometers
6.4 Checking of manometers
6.5 Position of manometers
7 Determination of average pressure in an airway
7.1 Methods of measurement
7.2 Use of wall tappings
7.3 Construction of tappings
7.4 Position and connections
7.5 Checks for compliance
7.6 Use of Pitot-static tube
8 Measurement of temperature
8.1 Thermometers
8.2 Thermometer location
8.3 Humidity
9 Measurement of rotational speed
9.1 Fan shaft speed
9.2 Examples of acceptable methods
10 Determination of power input
10.1 Measurement accuracy
10.2 Fan shaft power
10.3 Determination of fan shaft power by electrical measurement
10.4 Impeller power
10.5 Transmission systems
11 Measurement of dimensions and determination of areas
11.1 Flow measurement devices
11.2 Tolerance on dimensions
11.3 Determination of cross-sectional area
12 Determination of air density, humid gas constant and viscosity
13 Determination of flowrate
13.1 General
13.2 In-line flowmeters (standard primary devices)
13.3 Traverse methods
14 Calculation of test results
14.1 General
14.2 Units
14.3 Temperature
14.4 Mach number and reference conditions
14.5 Fan pressure
15 Rules for conversion of test results
15.1 Laws on fan similarity
15.2 Conversion rules
16 Fan characteristic curves
16.2 Methods of plotting
16.3 Characteristic curves at constant speed
16.4 Characteristic curves at inherent speed
16.5 Characteristic curves for adjustable-duty fan
16.6 Complete fan characteristic curve
16.7 Test for a specified duty
17 Uncertainty analysis
17.1 Principle
17.2 Pre-test and post-test analysis
17.3 Analysis procedure
17.4 Propagation of uncertainties
17.5 Reporting uncertainties
17.6 Maximum allowable uncertainties measurement
17.7 Maximum allowable uncertainty of results
18 Selection of test method
18.1 Classification
18.2 Installation types
18.3 Test report
18.4 User installations
18.5 Alternative methods
18.6 Duct simulation
19 Installation of fan and test airways
19.1 Inlets and outlets
19.2 Airways
19.3 Test enclosure
19.4 Matching fan and airway
19.5 Outlet area
20 Carrying out the test
20.1 Working fluid
20.2 Rotational speed
20.3 Steady operation
20.4 Ambient conditions
20.5 Pressure readings
20.6 Tests for a specified duty
20.7 Tests for a fan characteristic curve
20.8 Operating range
21 Determination of flowrate
22 Determination of flowrate using ISO Venturi nozzle
22.1 Geometric form
22.2 Venturi nozzle in free-inlet condition
22.3 Nozzle performance
22.4 Uncertainties
23 Determination of flowrate using multiple nozzles or Venturi nozzle
23.1 Installation
23.2 Geometric form
23.3 Inlet zone
23.4 Multiple-nozzle and Venturi-nozzle characteristics
23.5 Uncertainty
24 Determination of flowrate using a quadrant inlet nozzle
24.1 Installation
24.2 Geometric form
24.3 Unobstructed space in front of the inlet nozzle
24.4 Quadrant inlet nozzle performance
24.5 Uncertainty
25 Determination of flowrate using a conical inlet
25.1 Geometric form
25.2 Screen loading
25.3 Inlet zone
25.4 Conical inlet performance
25.5 Uncertainties
26 Determination of flowrate using an orifice plate
26.1 Installation
26.2 orifice plate
26.3 Ducts
26.4 Pressure tappings
26.5 Calculation of mass flowrate
26.6 Reynolds number
26.7 In-duct orifice with D and D/2 taps [see Figure 23 a) and GB/T 2624]
26.8 In-duct orifice with corner taps [see Figure 23 b) and GB/T 2624]
26.9 Outlet orifice with wall tappings [see Figure 23 e) and Figure 23 h)]
26.10 Inlet orifice with corner taps [see Figure 23 c)]
26.11 Inlet orifice with wall tappings [see Figure 23 g) and Figure 23 h)]
27 Determination of flowrate using a Pitot-static tube traverse
27.1 General
27.2 Pitot-static tube
27.3 Limits of air velocity
27.4 Location of measurement points
27.5 Determination of flowrate
27.6 Flowrate coefficient
27.7 Uncertainty of measurement
28 Types of installation and setups
28.1 Type A: free inlet and free outlet
28.2 Type B: free inlet and ducted outlet
28.3 Type C: ducted inlet and free outlet
28.4 Type D: ducted inlet and ducted outlet
28.5 Test installation type
29 Component parts of standardized airways
29.1 Symbols
29.2 Component parts
29.3 Flowrate measurement devices
30 Common airway segments for ducted fan installations
30.1 Common segments
30.2 Common segment at fan outlet
30.3 Common segment at fan inlet
30.4 Outlet duct simulation
30.5 Inlet duct simulation
30.6 Loss allowances for standardized airways
31 Standardized test chambers
31.1 Test chamber
31.2 Variable supply and exhaust systems
31.3 Standardized inlet test chambers
31.4 Standardized outlet test chambers
32 Standard methods with test chambers — Type A installations
32.1 Types of fan setup
32.2 Inlet-side test chambers
32.3 Outlet-side test chambers
33 Standard test methods with outlet-side test ducts — Type B installations
33.1 Types of fan setup
33.2 Outlet-side test ducts with antiswirl device
33.3 Outlet chamber test ducts without antiswirl device
34 Standard test methods with inlet-side test ducts or chambers — Type C installations
34.1 Types of fan setup
34.2 Inlet-side test ducts
34.3 Inlet-side test chambers
35 Standard methods with inlet- and outlet-side test ducts — Type D installations
35.1 Types of fan setup
35.2 Installation type B with outlet antiswirl device and inlet duct or inlet-duct simulation
35.3 Installation type B without outlet antiswirl device nor common segment and with inlet duct or inlet-duct simulation
35.4 Installation type C with outlet-duct common segment and antiswirl device and common inlet duct
35.5 Installation type C with outlet-duct simulation without antiswirl device
Annex A (Normative) Fan pressure and fan installation types
Annex B (Normative) Fan-powered roof exhaust ventilators
Annex C (Normative) Direct calculation of psgn and pn at section n of the fan — Installation types B, C and D
Annex D (Informative) Fan outlet elbow in case of a nonhorizontal discharge axis
Annex E (Informative) Bibliography
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