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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50164-2011 Standard foe quality control of concrete (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$150.00 USD
1 General Provisions
2 Raw Material Quality Control
2.1 Cement
2.2 Coarse Aggregate
2.3 Fine Aggregate
2.4 Mineral Additives
2.5 Admixtures
2.6 Water
3 Concrete Performance Requirements
3.1 Mixture Performance
3.2 Mechanical Property
3.3 Long Term Performance and Durability
4 Mix Proportion Control
5 Production Control Level
6 Production and Construction Quality Control
6.1 General Requirements
6.2 Raw Material Approaching the Construction Site
6.3 Measurement
6.4 Mixing
6.5 Transport
6.6 Shaping by Pouring
6.7 Curing
7 Concrete Quality Inspection
7.1 Quality Inspection of Raw Concrete Materials
7.2 Concrete Mixture Performance Inspection
7.3 Hardened Concrete Performance Inspection
Appendix A Slump Loss Test Method
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