中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB/T 10561-2005 Steel -Determination of content of nonmetallic inclusions?Micrographic method using standards diagrams (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$200.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Principle
3 Sampling
4 Preparation of specimens
5 Determination of the content of inclusions
6 Expression of Results
7 Test Report
Appendix A
ISO Chart diagrams for inclusion groups A, B, C, D and DS
Appendix B
Assessment of a field and of oversized inclusions or stringers
Appendix C
Typical example of results (the total number of fields showing the index, by type of inclusion, for a given number of fields observed)
Appendix D
Relationship between chart diagram indices and inclusion measurements
Appendix NA
(Informative Appendix)
Methods of sampling and other products
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