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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 7916-1987 Hygienic Standard for cosmetics (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$200.00 USD
Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics

1. General provisions

1.1 This standard has been constituted in order to provide the consumers with cosmetics meeting hygienic standard, ensure the hygienic quality and safety in the use of cosmetics, strengthen the hygienic supervision and management of cosmetics and guarantee the health of people.
1.2 Cosmetics refer to the products laid, applied and spread on any positions (such as scarfskin, hair, nails and oral lips) of the surface of human body or oral mucosa to achieve the purposes of cleaning, protecting the skin, beauty treatment and decoration.
1.3 The production and distribution of cosmetics in the country must observe this standard. The imported cosmetics must also conform to the specifications of this standard.
1.4 The hygiene and disease control departments above region or city level (included) are responsible for the hygienic supervision of cosmetics production. The hygiene and disease control departments above county level (included) are responsible for the hygienic supervision of cosmetics distribution.
1.5 The Expert Group for Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics under the administration of the Ministry of Health is responsible for the evaluation of major and difficult problems in relation to the safety of cosmetics. Its offices are responsible for accepting such matters as registration, enrollment and examination of imported cosmetics materials and cosmetics products.
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