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Document Title  
GB/T 10060-1993 Code for Acceptance of Lift Installation (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$80.00 USD
Code for Acceptance of Lift Installation
1. Subject Content and Application Scope
This national standard specifies the acceptance conditions, inspection items,
inspection requirements and acceptance rules for lift installation.
This national standard is applicable to the passenger lift and freight lift with the rated
speed not larger than 2.5m/s. It's inapplicable to hydraulic lift and dumbwaiter lift.
2. Normative References
GB7588 Safety Rules for the Construction and Installation of Lifts
GB8903 Wire Ropes for Lifts
GB10058 Specification for Lifts
GB10059 Test Methods for Lifts
GB12974 General Technical Specifications for AC Lift Motor
3. Acceptance Conditions for Installation
3.1 The working conditions of the inspected lift shall be compliant to the provisions
of GB 10058.
3.2 The inspection lift shall have sound and integral information and documents.
3.2.1 The materials and documents submitted by the manufacturer:
a. Packing list;
b. Conformity certificate;
c. Lift shaft arrangement drawing;
d. Service and maintenance instruction (including lift lubrication summary
graph and lift function table);
e. Electric wiring schematic diagram and symbol description for motor circuit
and safety circuit;
f. Electrical wiring chart;
g. Assembly installation diagram;
h. Installation specifications;
i. Safety parts: copy of type test report conclusion for door lock assembly,
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