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Standard Store detail
Document Title  
JGJ 79-2002 Technical code for ground treatment of buildings (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$350.00 USD
1 General
2 Terms and Symbols
3 Basic Requirements
4 Replacement-filling method
5 Preloading methods
6 Dynamic compaction method and dynamic compaction with replacement
7 Vibroflotation method
8 Sand-gravel pile method
9 Cement flyash gravel pile method
10 Cement Soil Pile Method
11 Cement deep mixing method
12 Jet grouting method
13 Lime pile method
14 Lime soil pile and earth pile
15 Colum Hammer Extension Pile Method
16 Silication grouting and soda solution grouting
17 Other foundation treatment methods
Appendix A Specification of Loading test on composite ground
Explanation of wording in this standard
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