中文版  English
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Document Title  
JGJ 104-1997 Specification for winter construction of building engineering (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$250.00 USD
1. General
2. Terms
3. Earthworks
4. Sub-grade and Foundation Works
5. Masonry Works
6. Steel Reinforcement Works
7. Concrete Works
8. Roof Insulation and Waterproofing Works
9. Decoration Works
10. Steel Structure Works
11. Installation of Concrete Elements
12. Winter Works Maintenance
Appendix A Calculation of Soil Insulation and Antifreeze
Appendix B Thermodynamic Calculation of Concrete
Appendix C Strength Growth Rule of Concrete Added with Antifreez additive
during Various Ages at Subzero temperature
Appendix D Calculation of Initial Strength of Concrete by Method of Maturity
Appendix E Explanation of Wording in This Code
Name list of compiler, participant and main drafter of this Code
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