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Document Title  
GB 50032-2003 Code for Seismic Design of Outdoor Water Supply ,Sewerage ,Gas and Heating Engineering (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1 General
2 Terms and Symbols
3 General Requirements of Seismic Design
4 Site
5 Earthquake Action and Structural Seismic Check Calculation
6 Structure for water holding
7 Structure for gas storage
8 General regulation
9 Water Tower
10 Pipelines
Aooendix A Seismic Fortification Intensity,Design Basic Acceleration of Ground Motion and Design Seismic

Grouping of Main cities and Towns in China
Appendix B Determination of Standard Value of Effect of Horizontal Earthquake Action on Rectangular Water

Pool with Cover Considering Spatial Action of Structural System
Appendix C Calculation of Effect of Shearing Wave on Linear Portion of Underground Direct Buried Pipe
Notice on Wording in This Specification
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