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Document Title  
GB 50078-2008 Code for construction and acceptance of chimney engineering(Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Provisions
4 Foundation
4.1 Earthwork and Foundation Pit Engineering
4.2 Reinforcing Work
4.3 Fonnwork
4.4 Concrete Works
4.5 Quality Inspection
5 Tube Wall of Masonry Chimney
5.1 General Provisions
5.2 Masonry Engineering
5.3 Quality Inspection
6 Tube Wall of Reinforced Concrete Chimney
6.1 General Provisions
6.2 Reinforcing Work
6.3 Formwork Engineering
6.4 Concrete Works
6.5 Quality Inspection
7 Steel Chimney and Steel Inside Tube
7.1 General Provisions
7.2 Manufacturing and Pre-erecting Engineering of Steel Chimney and Steel Inside Tube
7.3 Welding Engineering
7.4 Installation Works of Steel Chimney and Steel inside Tube
7.5 Quality Inspection
8 Chimney Platform
8.1 Platform Manufacturing and Installation Work
8.2 Quality Inspection
9 Linings and ThermaJ-insu lating Layers
9.1 General Provisions
9.2 Brick Linings (tubes) and Thermal-insulating Layers
9.3 Unshaped Material Lining
9.4 Quality Inspection
10 Anticorrosion ofChimney
10.1 General Provisions
10.2 Coating Anticorrosion
10.3 Soluble Glass Acid-proofCement and Acid-proof Mortar Anticorrosion
10.4 Acid-proof Brick Anticorrosion
10.5 Soluble Glass Lightweight Acid-proof Concrete Anticorrosion
11 Ancillary Works
12 Winter Construction
12.1 General Provisions
12.2 Foundation
12.3 Masonry Stack Tube Wall
12.4 Tube Walls of the Reinforced Concrete Chimney
12.5 Steel Stack, Steel Inside Tube and Steel Member
12.6 Lining
13 Construction Safety
14 Acceptance of Construction Qual ity
15 Chimney Drying
Appendix A Inspection Record of Quality Management on Construction Site
Appendix B Qual ity Acceptance Record ofInspection Lot
Appendix C Quality Acceptance Record of Subentry Project
Appendix D Acceptance Record of Construction qual ity of Subsection (Sub-subsection)
Appendix E Final Acceptance Record of Engineering Qual ity of Work U nit (Sub-work un it)
Explanation of Wording in This Code
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