中文版  English
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Document Title  
GB 50212-2002 Specification for construction and acceptance of anticorrosive engineering of buildings(Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$500.00 USD
1 Genernal principle
2 Nomenclatures
3 Base course treatments and requirements
4 Block material anticorrosive engineering
5 Sodium silicate class anticorrosive engineering
6 Resin snticorrosive engineering
7 Bitumen anticorrosive engineering
8 Polymer cemenet mortar anticorrosive engineering
9 Coating material class anticorrosive engineering
10 Polyvingl chloride plastic anticorrosive engineering
11 Safety technical requirements
12 Engineering acceptance
Appendix A The construction of matched ratio
Appendix B The test method of starting materials and finished products
Explanation of wording in this code
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