中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50411-2007 Code for acceptance of energy efficient building construction (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$160.00 USD
1 General Provision
2 Terms
3 Basic Regulations
4 Wall energy-saving works
5 Energy Efficiency Engineering of Curtain Wall
6 Energy Efficiency Engineering of Door and Window
7 Energy Efficiency Engineering of Roof
8 Energy Efficiency Engineering on Floor
9 Heating and Energy Efficiency Engineering
10 Energy Efficiency Engineering in Ventilation and Air-conditioning
11 Energy Efficiency Engineering in Cooling and Heat Source and
Pipe Network of Air-conditioning and Heating System
12 Energy Efficiency Engineering of Power Distribution and Lighting
13. Monitoring and Controlling Energy saving works
14 Site Inspection of Building Energy saving works
15 Quality Acceptance of the itemed Building Energy saving works
Appendix A: Re-inspection Items of Materials and Equipments
mobilized in the Building Energy Saving works.
Appendix B Quality Acceptance Table of divisioned, Itemed Building
Energy Saving Projects and Inspection batches
Appendix C Core Drilling Method of the Inspection of External Wall
Energy Saving Structure

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