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Document Title  
GBJ 107-1987 Inspection and evaluation of concrete strength (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$350.00 USD

Chapter 1 General
Chapter 2 General Provisions
Chapter 3 Concrete Sampling and Test
Pieces’ Fabrication, Maintenance & Test
Chapter 4 Inspection and Evaluation of Concrete Strength
Section 1 Evaluation by Statistics Method
Section 2 Evaluation by Non statistics Method
Section 3 Qualification Judgment of Concrete Strength
Appendix 1 Conversion Relation between Concrete Mark Number and Concrete Strength Grade
Appendix 2 Preparation Strength for Concrete Construction
Appendix 3 Quality Level of Concrete Production
Appendix 4 Conversion Table between Habitual Non-statutory Measuring Units and Statutory Measuring Units
Appendix 5 Explanation of Wording in this Standard
Additional Description
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