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Document Title  
Safety Code for Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Systems (FPSO) 2010 (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$2,000.00 USD
Chapter 1 General
1.1 Purposes
This Safety Code for Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Systems (hereinafter referred to as "the Code") is formulated to ensure personnel health and life safety on an offshore floating production, storage and offloading systems (hereinafter referred to as floating systems or FPSO), and to prevent property damage and environment pollution in accordance with the Provision of Safe Operations or Offshore Petroleum Industry, Rules of Management of Offshore Oil Safety, and the Provisions for Inspection of Offshore Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Facilities.
1.2. Scope of application
1.2.1 The Code applies to the floating systems within the inland waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone, and continental shelf in the People's Republic of China and within the other sea areas governed by the People's Republic of China.
1.2.2 Upon the Code takes effect, the newly built FPSO shall meet the requirements herein. The major maintenance, renovation, or conversion for existing FPSO shall meet the requirements herein to a reasonable extent, that is, the existing FPSO shall continue to be in compliance with the requirements the applicable laws and regulations, and codes of existing design and build.
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