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Document Title  
QC/T 625–1999 Coating and chemical treatment layer for automobile(Text of document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$100.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Representing methods of coating and chemical treatment layer for automobile
4 Copper + nickel + chromium and nickel + chromium electroplated coating
5 Zinc coating
6 Tin coating
7 Silver electroplated coating
8 Lead electroplated coating
9 Copper electroplated coating
10 Nickel and copper + nickel electroplated coating
11 Chromium electroplated coating
12 Aluminum and electrochemical oxidation film of aluminum alloy
13 Chemical nickel coating
14 Chemical treatment coating of steel parts
15 Passivating treatment coating of zinc alloy
16 Cadmium electroplated coating on steel (Fe/Ep?Cd×)
17 Pewter electroplated coating
18 Vacuum aluminizing coating
19 Zinc aluminum chrome coating (DACROTIZED)
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