中文版  English
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Document Title  
JTG D40-2011 Specifications for Design of Highway Cement Concrete Pavement (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$700.00 USD
1 General
2 Terms and symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Design parameter
4 Structural composite design
4.1 General provisions
4.2 Subgrade
4.3 Bed layer
4.4 Base and subbase
4.5 Surface layer
4.6 Road shoulder
4.7 Surface drainage
5 Joint design
5.1 General provisions
5.2 Longitudinal joint
5.3 Traverse joint
5.4 Joint laying at intersections
5.5 End treatment
5.6 Joint filler
6 Design of the reinforcement in the concrete surface
6.1 The reinforcement of ordinary concrete pavement
6.2 The reinforcement layout of the concrete pavement
6.3 Layout of the reinforcement of continuous reinforced concrete
7 Material composition and parameters requirements
7.1 General provisions
7.2 Subcrust material
7.3 Material for base
7.4 Surface material
7.5 Material design parameters
8 The design of the additional layer structure
8.1 General provisions
8.2 Road damage condition assessment through investigation
8.3 Investigation assessment of joint capacity and under board void
8.4 The structure coefficient investigation of the old concrete road
8.5 Selection of overlay scheme
8.6 The design of the pitch additional layer structure
8.7 Additional layer structure design of the separated concrete
8.8 Additional layer structure design of the combined concrete
8.9 The structural design of the old asphalt pavement overlayed by cement concrete pavement
Appendix A Traffic load analysis
Appendix B Stress analysis and thickness calculation of the concrete slab
Appendix C Stress analysis of Concrete Slab with Asphalt Top Surface Layer
Appendix D Longitudinal Reinforcing of Continue Reinforced Concrete Surface
Appendix E Empirical Reference Values for Materials Design Parameters

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