中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50727-2011 Code for acceptance of construction quality of anticorrosive engineering of industrial equipment and pipeline (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$500.00 USD
1 General provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic requirements
3.1 Division for acceptance of construction quality
3.2 Acceptance of constructional quality
3.3 Procedure and organization for acceptance of constructional quality
4 Pretreatment of matrix face
4.1 General requirements
4.2 Treatment of jet or projectile
4.3 Treatment of tool for hand operated or power operated
5 Block lining
5.1 General requirement
5.2 Requirement for quality of raw material and manufactured products
5.3 Masonry-lining block by daut
6 Lining of fiber reinforced plastics
6.1 General requirement
6.2 Requirement for quality of raw material and manufactured products
6.3 Lining
7 Rubber lining
7.1 General requirements
7.2 Raw material quality requirements
7.3 Lining
8 Lining of plastics
8.1 General requirements
8.2 Requirements for quality of raw material
8.3 Lining of soft polyvinyl chloride plate
8.4 Lining of fluoroplastics plate for equipment
8.5 Plastics lining for pipe
9 Lining of glass flake
9.1 General requirements
9.2 Requirements for quality of raw material and manufactured products
9.3 Lining
10 Lead lining
10.1 General requirements
10.2 Requirements for quality of raw material
10.3 Lead lining
10.4 Enamelling lead
11 Lining of polyurea of spray coating
12 Lining of neoprene latex cement mortar
12.1 General requirements
12.2 Requirements for quality of raw material and manufactured products
12.3 Lining
13 Coating layer of coatings
14 Heat spray coating of metal
15 Acceptance of subsection (sub-subsection) project
Appendix A Quality acceptance records of inspection lots
Appendix B Quality acceptance records of sub-item project
Appendix C Quality acceptance records of subsection (sub-subsection) project
Appendix D Check record of quality guarantee data-sheet
Explanation of wording in this code
List of quoted standards

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