中文版  English
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Document Title  
GBJ 122-1988 Measurement Specification of Industrial Enterprise Noise (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$150.00 USD
Chapter I General provisions
Chapter II Noise measurement conditions
Section I Measuring Instruments
Section II Measuring quantity
Section III Method to read the measured value
Section IV Environmental conditions
Chapter III The noise measurement of production environment
Section I Equipment operation state
Section II Location of measuring point
Section III Noise measurement value record
Chapter IV Outdoor noise measurement in non-production places
Section 1 Outdoor noise measurement in non-production places
Section II Outdoor noise measurement in non-production places
Section III The plant boundary noise measurement
Section IV Noise measurement value record
Appendix I: Record sheet of the noise measurement of industrial enterprises
Appendix II: The measurement method of equivalent A-weighted sound level
Appendix III Explanation of wording in this specification
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