中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 15603-1995 Rule for Storage of Chemical Dangers(Text of document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$800.00 USD
1 Subject Content and Application Scope
2 Normative References
3 Definitions
4 Basic Requirements for the Storage of Chemical Dangers
5 Requirements for Storage Sites
6 Storage Arrangement and Storage Capacity Limit
7 Preservation of Chemical Dangers
8 Entry and Out Warehouse Management for Chemical Dangers
9 Fire Fighting Measures
10 Waste Disposal
11 Personnel Training
Appendix A Incinpatible Materials Storage Table for Chemical Dangers (Informative)
Appendix B Safe Storage of Chemical Dangers (Informative)
B1 Category I Explosives
B2 Category II Compressed Gases and Liquefied Gases
B3 Category III Flammable Liquids
B4 Category IV Flammable solids, substances liable to spontaneous combustion and substances emitting flammable aseswhenwet
B5 Category V Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
B6 Category VI Poisons
B7 Category VII Radioactive Substances
B8 Category VIII Corrosives
Appendix C Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Index for Chemical Name of Chemical Dangers (Informative) Chinese index omitted
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