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Document Title  
HG/T 20561-1994 The Provision of Compilation Depth of Design Documents of General Transportation Construction Drawing in Chemical Factories (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$300.00 USD
1 General rule
2 General provisions
2.1 Drawing line
2.2 Scale
2.3 Drawing Layout
2.4 Dimordinate
2.5 Common symbols
2.6 Unit of measurement
2.7 Legend
3 Depth of drawing content
3.1 Drawing content
3.2 General layout
3.3 Vertical design figure
3.4 Composite diagram of pipelines
3.5 General plane layout of device
3.6 Vertical design drawing of device
3.7 Earthwork drawing
3.8 Road plan
3.9 Pavement structure diagrams of road
3.10 Railway plan inside factory
3.11 Vertical section drawing of railway
3.12 Roadbed cross section drawing of railway
3.13 Cross-section diagram of railway track and track bed
3.14 Greening arrangement plan
3.15 Detail drawing
Annex A Supplementary legend
Annex B Typical drawing
Annex C Explanation of Wording in This Code

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