中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
HG/T 20568-1994 The design specification of the ground and storehouse for chemical solid material (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$600.00 USD
1 General previsions
2 General requirements
2.1 General requirements of ground design
2.2 General provisions of storehouse (shed) design
2.3 General provisions of silo design
2.4 General Provisions of the design for bags and barrel-packed storehouse
2.5 General provisions of operation and management
3 Storage days and storage capacity
3.1 Factors that affect the storage days
3.2 Storage days of part of the material
3.3 The storage capacity of part of flammable, explosive solid materials
3.4 Calculation of bulk materials storage capacity
4 Loading bridge (or grab bucket gantry cranes) ground
5 Bucket-wheel stacker-reclaimer ground
6 Bridge grabbing crane ground, storehouse (shed)
7 Other forms of ground and storehouse (shed)
8 Raking machine storehouse
8.1 Rectangular storehouse
8.2 Elongated storehouse
8.3 Circular storehouse
9 Bag, barrel-packed storehouse
9.1 Determination of storehouse area
9.2 Storehouse design
9.3 Main equipment layout in the storehouse
10 Reinforced concrete cylindrical storehouse
10.1 Selection specifications of cylindrical storehouse
10.2 Calculation of cylindrical storehouse capacity (see Annex G)
10.3 Layout principles of cylindrical storehouse
10.4 Level gauge
10.5 Other requirements
11 Equipment selection of bulk material ground and storehouse
11.1 Selection principle
11.2 Selection of ground equipment
11.3 Equipment selection of bulk storehouse (shed)
11.4 Equipment selection of bulk finished products storehouse
11.5 Equipment selection of bag and barrel-packed storehouse
11.6 Selection of measuring equipments
12 Operation of ground and storehouse
12.1 Operation of materials in and out of the ground and storehouse
12.2 Control of materials into and out of the ground and storehouse
12.3 Operating points of the ground and storehouse
Annex A Characteristics table of bulk solid materials
Annex B Storage days of part of the materials
Annex C Storage capacity calculation for several stacking forms
Annex D Stockpiling capacity calculation for bulk storehouse
Annex E Storehouse area calculation method
Annex F Calculation of bags and barrels storehouse area
Annex G Calculation of silo capacity
Annex H Table of common packaging barrel specifications
Annex I Table of characteristics of part of domestic level meter
Annex J Storehouse handling equipment
Additional Explanation

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