中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
GB 50030-2013Code for design of oxygen station (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$400.00 USD
1 General provisions
2 Terms
3 Layout of oxygen station
4 Process system
5 Process equipment
6 Process arrangement
7 Architecture and Structures
8 Electrical and instruments
9 Water supply, drainage, and fire protection
10 Heating and ventilation
11 Oxygen pipeline
Appendix A Type of fire risk and minimum fire resistance rating of each room in air separation plant and oxygen station
Appendix B The minimum clear distance between overhead oxygen pipeline and pipe rack in plant area and buildings, structures, railways and roads
Appendix C The minimum clear distance between overhead oxygen pipeline and other overhead pipelines in plant area and workshop
Appendix D The minimum clear distance between underground oxygen pipeline in the plant area and buildings, structures and other underground pipelines
Explanation of Wording in this Code
List of quoted standard
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