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Document Title  
GB 29938-2013 National Standard of Food Safety--General Rules of Food Flavor (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$500.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Terms and definitions
3 Requirements
Annex A Allowed extraction solvent of natural flavor for food
Annex B Natural flavor for food from marine products
Annex C Content requirements of natural monomer flavor for food
Annex D Contents requirements of synthetic flavor for food

National Standard of Food Safety
General Rules of Food Flavor
1 Scope
This standard applies to the food flavor allowed in the GB 2760.
2 Terms and definitions
2.1 Food flavor
The main raw materials that produce food essence, and give, improve or enhance the fragrance of food, except for the substances that only produce salty, sweet or sour. Food flavor includes natural flavor for food, synthetic flavor for food and smoke flavoring, etc. which is generally formulated into food flavors for food flavoring, and some can also be directly used for food flavoring.
2.2 Natural flavor for food
The preparations of flavoring substance or substances of flavoring characteristics with clear chemical structure obtained from plant and animal source materials through physical method, or enzymatic method or microbiological method, including natural compound flavor for food and natural monomers flavor for food.
2.2.1 Natural compound flavor for food
Flavoring preparations for food
The preparations of flavoring substances obtained from plant and animal materials by physical means or enzymatic or microbiological technologies (composed of a variety of components). These animal and plant raw materials may be unprocessed, or may be processed by conventional food preparation technology. Include essential oils, fruit oils, extracts, protein hydrolyzate, distillate liquid or the products by roasting, heating or enzymolysis.

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