中文版  English
Standard Store detail
Document Title  
JB/T 10833-2008 The polyurethane buffer for cranes (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$100.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Normative References
4 Structural types and basic parameters
4.1 Structural types
4.2 Basic parameter and main dimensions
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Ambient condition
5.2 Performance requirements
5.3 Material
5.4 Appearance requirements
5.5 Surface coating
6 Test methods
6.1 Determination of material performance
6.2 Determination for the restore rate
6.3 Determination for basic parameters for the buffer
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Delivery inspection
7.2 Type inspection
8 Mark, packing, transportation and storage
8.1 Mark
8.2 Packing
8.3 Transportation and storage
9 Quality warranty period
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