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Document Title  
JB/T 4730.3-2005 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipments Part 3:Ultasonic testing (Text of Document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$400.00 USD
1. Scope
2. Normative References
3. General Requirements
4. Ultrasonic testing and quality classification of raw materials and spares for the pressure equipment
5. The ultrasonic testing and quality classification of butt welding joint for the pressure equipment
6. Ultrasonic testing and quality classification of circumferential butt welding joint for pipes and pressure pipeline of the pressure quipment
7. The ultrasonic detection of press equipment in-service
8. Ultrasonic detection reports
Annex C (Normative) Ultrasonic Crossing Testing on Pressure Equipments with Steel Forgings
Annex D (Normative) Axial-direction Crossing Testing on Full-fusion Welding of Pressure Equipments with Steel High-pressure Seamless Pipe
Annex E (Normative) Angle probe Testing on Pressure Equipments with Austenitic Steel Forging
Annex F (Normative) Measurement for Loss Allowance in Sound Energy Transmission
Annex G (Normative) Ultrasonic Testing and Quality Gradation for the Butt Welding Joints of 6mm~8mm Steel Pressure Equipments
Annex H (Normative) Dynamic Waveform of Echo
Annex J (Normative) Height Measurement of Flaws (2) Height Measurement of Flaws with Ultrasonic Terminal Maximal Echo Method
Annex K (Normative) Height Measurement of Flaws (3) Height Measurement of Flaws with 6dB Method
Annex L (Normative) Type Identification and Property Judgment of Flaws
Annex M (Informative) Ultrasonic Testing and Quality Gradation for the Butt Welding Joints of Titanium Pressure Equipments
Annex N (Informative) Ultrasonic Detection and Quality Gradation of Austenitic Stainless Steel Butt-welding Joints
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