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Document Title  
GB/T 4623–2006 Circular concrete pole (Text of document is in English)
Implementation Date  
Number of Pages  
$130.00 USD
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Classifications
5 Raw material and structure
6 Requirements
7 Test methods
8 Inspection Rules
9 Mark and Certificate of Merchandise
10 Store and transport
Appendix A (Normative) Mechanical Property Test Method of Pole
A.1 Application scope
A.2 Specimen
A.3 Test Instruments and Equipments
A.4 Test Method
A.5 Loading Procedures
A.6 Test Result Calculation
A.7 Test Result Evaluation
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of tapered rod and diameter pole
Figure 2 Fulcra Position Schematic Diagram of Pole
Table 1 Cracking inspection bending moment of the whole reinforced concrete taper
poleunit kN.m
Table 2 cracking inspection bending moment of assembly reinforced concrete taper pole
unit kN.m
Table 3 cracking inspection bending moment of the whole piece of prestress, partially
pressed concrete taper pole unit kN.m
Table 4 cracking inspection bending moment of the whole piece of prestress, partially
pressed concrete taper pole unit kN.m
Table 5: Cracking inspection bending moment of diameter pole
Table 6 Appearance quality requirements
Table 7 Dimension allowable deviation
Table 8 Inspection tools and inspection method of appearance quality and dimension
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