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Standard Store
GB 50067-1997 Structural Design Code for Water Supply and Drainage Engineering Structures (Text of Document is in English) [ 1997-03-01 ]
GB 50236-2011 Code for Construction of Field Equipment Industrial Pipe Welding Engineering (Text of Document is in English) [ 2011-10-01 ]
GB 50068-2001 Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures(Text of Document is in English) [ 2002-03-01 ]
GB 50069-2002 Code of Design on Building Fire Protection and Prevention(Text of Document is in English) [ 2002-03-01 ]
GB 50077-2003 Code for design of reinforced concrete silos(Text of Document is in English) [ 2003-03-01 ]
GBJ 79-1985 Specifications for the design of earthing of industrial enterprises communication system(Text of Document is in English) [ 1986-01-01 ]
GB 50084-2001 Code of design for sprinkler systems (Text of Document is in English) [ 2001-07-01 ]
GBJ 87-1985 Code of Design of Noise Control in Industrial Enterprises(Text of Document is in English) [ 1986-07-01 ]
GB 50093-2002 Code for construction and acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering(Text of Document is in English) [ 2003-03-01 ]
GB 50102-2003 Code of Design on Building Fire Protection and Prevention (Text of Document is in English) [ 2003-08-01 ]
GB 50103-2010 Standard for general layout drawings (Text of Document is in English) [ 2011-03-01 ]
GB/T 50105-2010 Standard for structural drawings (Text of Document is in English) [ 2010-03-01 ]
GBJ 112-1987Technical Specifications for Construction Ground In Expanding Soil Areas(Text of Document is in English) [ 1988-08-01 ]
GB 50116-1998 Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System (Text of Document is in English) [ 1999-06-01 ]
GB/T 50123-1999 Standard for Soil Test Method (Text of Document is in English) [ 1999-10-01 ]
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